Windows 10 comes with many more services to identify you, collect and analyze your information than useful functions for you.
Paradoxically, your computers work much better by disabling 54% of their services: they are much faster, they do not get stuck or slow over time as they do not collect temporary files and they can open more windows at the same time than before
Every day you will perceive it as newly installed.
It also helps you to remove the "bloatware" and "utilities" that come pre-installed (supposedly non-uninstallable) because they perform not very useful functions in addition to collecting user data in the background (Bing Finance, Quick Access, Cortana, One Drive (even if you don't use Microsoft's cloud, it will copy your information anyway if we don't uninstall it), Search, Xbox, Solitaires and others)
as an optional feature you can choose that your computer does not to automatically create the "Public" folders and/or the "Libraries", "My Documents", "My Music", "My Images" etc, There will be no A "Public" area on your computer and you will save your files wherever you want with your own order structure and you can also choose to save your files in a separate partition from the operating system partition, encrypted as an additional security measure.
Also, as your computer is hardened, your desktop will look simpler:
There will be no "background" apps
...and much more (or rather less)